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Vehicle Pursuit Policies with Termination Tactics for Wrong Way Drivers

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Vehicle Pursuit Policies with Termination Tactics for Wrong Way Drivers

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  • #19730
    Dallas Petrovich

    Good Morning,

    I am looking for vehicle pursuit policies with termination tactics for wrong way drivers


    Sharon King

    Good day,

    Attached is Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office policy on Vehicle Pursuit.


    Sharon D. King
    Staff Inspector
    Staff Inspections/Law Enforcement Accreditation
    Professional Compliance Bureau
    Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
    (561) 688-3070

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    Kaley Behl

    The entire policy is attached. This is what we say about it:

    As a general rule, the practice of driving on the wrong side of an interstate or controlled access highway on/off ramp or divided highway is prohibited, particularly where it is believed a suspect driver is driving on the wrong side of the road as an escape tactic in response to a vehicle pursuit. However, the tactic may be utilized when law enforcement pursuit of the vehicle is not a contributing factor to the driving pattern. (Example: An apparent impaired driver who is driving on the wrong side of the road prior to contact with law enforcement.) In such cases, law enforcement has an obligation to warn citizens of the presence of the on-coming suspect vehicle. Immediate necessary action should be taken to stop the vehicle, as the suspect vehicle usually presents imminent danger of serious injury or death to anyone traveling on the road. Tactics initiated to stop the vehicle may require driving on the wrong side of the road.

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