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What is FLA-TAC?

Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission

In 2011 the Executive Board of the Florida Police Accreditation Coalition (FLA-PAC) voted to explore the possibility of creating an independent accreditation program for the telecommunications profession. This was in response to a recognized need which had been frequently expressed by FLA-PAC membership.

The Board appointed a panel of subject matter experts, and charged them with the responsibility of designing a program solely for communications centers, incorporating Florida law and standard professional business practices into the accreditation process.

The panel was composed of representatives from communications, law enforcement, fire-rescue and emergency medical services. The panel worked diligently for a year and designed a standards manual and the accreditation process. The resulting program contains standards which address the needs of the communications profession and is designed to accommodate both large and small centers. Administration and management of the program is through a commission appointed by the FLA-PAC Executive Board.

The membership of the FLA-PAC voted to formalize the program, and several test sites were designated to field test the process. The first agency, the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center, was accredited in August of 2013.

Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission