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Transporting Family Members in Agency Vehicles

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Transporting Family Members in Agency Vehicles

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  • #20076
    Wendy Roberts

    Good Morning,

    I hope you are all doing well! If your agency has a directive regarding transporting family members (specifically children to school or day care) in agency vehicles, I would really appreciate a copy.

    Thank you,

    Jeff Banks

    Page 4 – V – Restrictions: 3 b – –

    3. Other uses of the vehicle shall be permitted provided such use is contiguous with travel to and/or from work related activity (i.e. attending college classes, patronizing a fitness facility, doctor appointments, or stopping at a grocery store).
    a. Members may transport non-agency members in an agency vehicle for official agency business only.
    b. Members assigned agency vehicles may transport family members to home, work, school, or daycare while en-route to work from home or vice versa. Use of any child restraint devices or specialty vehicle seats must be approved in advance by the Section Commander or designee .

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    Jeannine Harris

    See page 4. Have a great day!

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    Below is what is stated in our Agency Vehicles policy:

    Sworn Personnel are authorized to transport prisoners, victims, stranded
    motorists, witnesses, and other persons while in the performance of their duty.
    Personnel may, under temporary conditions, transport a non-member, to include
    family members, provided this does not prohibit, prevent, or restrict the member
    from responding to a call for service. Personnel shall not transport non-member
    passengers in the secure area (cage) of a department vehicle unless in the
    performance of their duty. Under no circumstances will any passenger five (5)
    years of age or younger be transported in a marked vehicle, unless the member is
    conducting Sheriff’s Office business. Members, transporting a non-member(s)
    who must respond to a call, shall drop off the passenger as soon as possible.

    Hope this is helpful:)
    God bless

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    Kimberly Boothe

    Page 2 – “G. Agency members may transport non-agency personnel in an agency vehicle for official business only. Deputies shall activate the BWC when any citizen or arrestee is being transported in an agency vehicle to any location. The BWC will be activated when the transport begins and deactivated upon arrival at the final destination. Deputies shall notify communications with the beginning and ending mileage during the transport. Exceptions to the activation of the camera and on/off mileage during transport are family members, other agency personnel or civilians approved to ride with a deputy per GO 6.2.20.

    Note: Employees may transport family members to home, work, school, or daycare while enroute to work from home or vice versa. Personnel shall refer to the vehicle owner’s manual and follow the airbag safety guidelines when transporting family members.”

    Page 4 – “I. Full Use Classification
    3. Agency members may transport family and non-family members in an unmarked agency vehicle. Agency members may only transport family members in a marked agency vehicle. Agency members shall refer to the vehicles owner’s manual and follow the airbag safety guidelines when transporting others in agency vehicles.

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