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training school request

Home PAC Request Policy Requests training school request

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  • #18255
    Lawanna Ware

    Could I please get some polices addressing employee request to attend training schools that do not apply to their current positions? What is your approval process? If they apply for a class that does not apply to their current position and they are willing to pay for the school themselves do you grant administrative leave for them to attend or do they have to use their PTO?

    Kaley Behl

    We do require that someone explain why they want to take a particular class. Even if it’s something not related to their current job, if they can articulate why they want to take the class to their supervisor, it is likely to be approved if the agency has the staffing and money to send them. Alternatively, if they are denied, there is usually nothing that stops them from taking a day off from work and attending the class on their own dime/time.

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