Introduction to Law Enforcement Inspections and Auditing Course – LEIA 101
This training course is being sponsored by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, September 24-26, 2024. Class flyer, registration, and hotel information is included in the attached flyer.
I have personally attended this course, as well as the LEIA 201 Certification course, and would recommend it. The course covers the fundamentals of inspections and auditing, to enhance your skills. Audit guides, steps, report formats, sampling methods, etc., are all reviewed in this course. You will also receive the course contents on a flash drive, which includes an excel sampling spreadsheet to calculate random and stratified sampling sizes (very helpful for audits of P&E).
Please contact Dan Olson, LD Consulting LLC, with any questions.
Megan Weeks
Manatee County Sheriff’s Office
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