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Single Purpose Narcotic Detection K-9

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Single Purpose Narcotic Detection K-9

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  • #18371
    Dallas Petrovich

    Good Morning,

    The Pinellas Park Police Department is acquiring a single purpose narcotic detection K-9. The K-9 is going to be assigned to a detective/handler in our vice/narcotic unit. Three patrol K-9s are currently assigned to our special operations unit.

    I was wondering how agencies’ structure a program with multiple K-9s assigned to different units at an agency. Is there a k-9 supervisor who oversees the administrative procedures (training, maintenance, etc); meanwhile, the unit’s supervisor that the dog is assigned to has direct supervision?

    I believe I put out a PAC request like this just prior to the site change. I apologize if you’ve already responded. I appreciate any assistance.


    Ofc Petrovich
    Pinellas Park

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