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Sanibel Hotel Update

Home PAC Request Conference Updates Sanibel Hotel Update

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  • #17890
    Meghan Warman

    Good Morning Florida PAC members. I understand that many of you are having issues with making hotel reservations for the Winter conference in Sanibel. I am asking you all to bear with us while we work with the hotel.

    Currently the rooms that we have contracted are sold out for Sunday and surprisingly Thursday nights. All other nights are available. I noticed that there are some that have made several reservations under one name. I again will ask everyone to be diligent in only making reservations for those that you are sure will be attending. And to please reach out as soon as you determine that a reserved room is no longer needed. This will give everyone an opportunity to make arrangements to attend this conference.

    Please reach out with any questions and know that I appreciate your patience with this whole process. I will follow up with an update as it becomes available.

    Kimberly Wachter

    Good morning,

    Are there any updates about additional room availability?

    Thank you!

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