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Professional Standards Unit composition

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    Justin Woodall

    Good morning,

    For those of you who have “Professional Standards” units, could you please let me know what components fall under that umbrella at your agency?

    Thank you,

    Tiffany Castle

    At the moment, our Professional Standards Unit is simply policy and Accreditation (both are one person). Previously, it included Internal Affairs, but the IA person got moved to CID to assist and does IA part time.

    Jeff Rasche

    Good morning!

    Our PSB Bureau consists of the following:
    Training, Field Training, Academy, Cadets, Inspections, Accreditation and Internal Affairs.

    Jeff Rasche AM
    Fort Myers PD

    Kaley Behl

    We have an Office of Professional Standards (OPS) AKA – Internal Affairs. They are responsible for Internal Affairs Investigations that rise to the level of being investigated by IA – plus a number of audits, such as a Vehicle Crash Review Committee, the K-9 Audits and Inventories, the Evidence and Property Inventories, they attend drug destructions, they supervise the Early Warning Invention System, are responsible for Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing, In-Custody Death Investigations, Officer-Involved Shootings, (Administrative Role – not FDLE Criminal). Our Policy and Accreditation Unit also falls under the Office of Professional Standards.

    Hope this helps!

    Captain Kaley Behl
    (352) 384-3030

    Daniel Sacher-Brown

    Our Professional Standards Bureau consists of the following:
    Accreditation, Training, Recruitment & Background Investigations, Internal Affairs, Academy Recruits and FT&EP

    Sharetta Ogden

    At our agency Professional Standards includes Accreditation, Training and Internal Affairs.


    At our agency, Department of Professional Standards includes Bureau of Personnel Services (Human Resources, Labor Relations, and Risk Management), Bureau of Professional Compliance (Internal Affairs, Accreditation, and Training (Field Training Office, FTO Trainees – LE/Corr) and Legal Affairs.

    Hope this helps!

    Marissa Moore

    Sorry for the late reply, but our Professional Standards Division consists of Internal Affairs, Training, Recruiting and Backgrounds, Accreditation, and Policy.


    Hello. Lake Co. SO has Internal Affairs, Accreditation and Media Relations under Professional Standards. At present we also have body cam redaction clerks assigned to us. The unit is commanded by a sworn Lieutenant who supervises two Sgt’s that handle Internal Affairs and Accreditation as well as one Corporal who shares the PIO duties with the Lt.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Jim Vachon

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