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Potential policy changes IF marijuana amendment passes?

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Potential policy changes IF marijuana amendment passes?

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  • #20326

    Do any agencies anticipate making any changes to their marijuana use policy (specifically for employees) if the marijuana amendment passes? Am I correct in assuming that an agency would be justified leaving it as prohibited due to no change at the Federal level?

    Gary Robinson

    Our agency’s stance has always been as long as it remains a Federal criminal violation, use by employees is prohibited.

    Gary Robinson

    Suzette Bennett


    I originally came from the First state to legalize recreational Marijuana. Once this was passed in Colorado all of the police and sheriff’s offices said they would not have any employees that were not held to the federal level of it still being illegal. So, you are correct in thinking it would be prohibited here as well, unless something changes down the line.
    Hope this helps,

    Suzette Bennett
    Accreditation Manager
    Gainesville PD

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