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10.10M Update

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  • #18879
    Tiara Brown-Griffin

    Good Morning,

    What are you all adding to your directives for the new bullet B of 10.10M?

    Thank you in advance!

    Tiara Brown-Griffin |
    Casselberry Police Department
    Accreditation Coordinator

    Jeannine Harris

    Below is the excerpt from our policy, and attached is the form. Hope this helps!

    In order for a sworn member to carry a personally owned firearm while on or off-duty as a back-up/secondary firearm, the member must submit a “Request to Carry Personally Owned Firearm As Back-up/Secondary Service Firearm” form to the Training Lieutenant for approval. The member must then show proficiency with that firearm prior to being authorized to carry it. (CFA 10.10B)

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    Lori Battig

    Excerpt from our policy and attached form:

    Agency-Owned or Personally-Owned Handguns: Prior to
    carrying, a sworn member requesting to be issued an agency-owned
    or providing a personally-owned handgun for use as an on-duty
    back-up or off-duty concealed firearm, must arrange for the
    Training Coordinator or another qualified agency armorer or
    firearms instructor to: inspect and approve the handgun as meeting
    agency policy per G.O. 401.00A and supervise an initial firearms
    qualification for the member. The results will be recorded on a
    PCPD Form#149 Firearms Qualification form and/or other
    relevant forms, which are to be provided to the Training Coordinator
    to place in the member’s training file.

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