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Reply To: Confidential Informants

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Confidential Informants Reply To: Confidential Informants

Whitney Gibson

h. Special precautions to be taken with juvenile informants (CFA 15.03M G):
1) Approval from a Division Commander or designee is required prior to using a juvenile as a confidential informant (CFA 15.03M H).
2) Written permission must be obtained from the parents or guardians of the juvenile before use.
3) Approval will only be granted if an assistant state attorney has been consulted.
4) The judge must give permission if a juvenile is on probation, controlled by the Department of Juvenile Justice, or has pending charges.
5) Juvenile informants must be provided the same terms and agreements that adult informants are given, and the juvenile informants must agree to abide by such.
6) Any meetings with juveniles require two or more deputies present.
7) Any deputy working with a juvenile of the opposite sex will always do so in the presence of another deputy. There will be no exceptions.