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Reply To: Muting of BWC

Home PAC Request Policy Requests Muting of BWC Reply To: Muting of BWC


Below is what our agency policy states:
Members are permitted to place their BWC into Buffering mode or Mute the audio on the BWC if the member is not interacting with the public (i.e., talking to a Supervisor or another member).
The member may deactivate the BWC and place it into Buffering mode or Mute the audio on the BWC during non-enforcement activities, some examples include but are not limited to:
(1). Directing traffic.
(2). Remaining on a crash scene and the member is not interacting with members of the public (i.e., traffic control and/or waiting for a tow truck).
(3). Assigned to a static post, where the member is not in contact with citizens.

We hope this is helpful:)
God bless

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